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  • Wittek Golf Supply Sales Team and Distributors


PW Golf Supply LLC
300 Bond St.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Toll Free: 1 800 869 1800 (in the United States)
Tel: 847-943-2399
Fax: 847-412-9591

EMAIL: info@pwgolfsupply.com

California Facility
4785 Bryson St
Anaheim CA 92807
Toll Free: 1 800 869 1800 (in the US)
Tel: 847-943-2399
Fax: 847-412-9591

EMAIL: info@pwgolfsupply.com

Georgia Facility
616 NW Broad Street
Lyons GA 30436
Toll Free: 1 800 233-3853 (in the US)
Tel: 847-943-2399
Fax: 847-412-9591

EMAIL: info@pwgolfsupply.com





Tony Clay - Inside Sales Manager
phone extension 2370

Jhovany Diaz
phone extension 2362

Tim Yopchick
phone extension 2374


Sam Vance
phone extension 2394

David Montgomery
phone extension 2395


New England
John Cook
Cell: 224-833-0216
Email: jcook@wittekgolf.com


North Carolina and South Carolina
Miles Wilkins
Cell: 312-919-5468
Email: mwilkins@wittekgolf.com

Western USA
Idaho, Montana, New Mexico,
Utah, Wyoming & Las Vegas

Charlie Carlson Co.
3480 Washington Boulevard
Suite 106
Ogden, UT 84401
Tel: 801 392 7676
Cell: 801 550 4986
Fax: 801 392 9595

Email: carlsongolf@qwestoffice.net
Midwest USA

Ron Priest
Cell: 614 395 3505
Email: priestgolf@aol.com

Jan Jarvis
Cell: 312 315 4123
Fax: 773 262 6526

Email: jarvisturf@gmail.com
Werre & Betzen Sales, Inc.
Bob Werre
4850 Westgate Road
Minnetonka, MN 55345
Tel: 952 930 9248
Cell: 952 200 9860
Fax: 952 930 9328
Email: rbwerre@comcast.net
Southeast USA
Central Florida/The Villages
Rich Nichols
5175 Horseford Path
The Villages FL 32163
Tel: 321 537 2920

Email: richnichols1@comcast.net
Eastern USA

Central & Eastern New York,
Long Island, New Jersey

Jerry Shulock
67 Midwood Avenue
Nesconset, NY 11767
Tel: 631 382 4967
Cell: 631 793 2795
Fax: 631 382 4963

Email: jshugolf@optonline.net

Eastern Canada

Turf Net Sports Supplies
Tim Proctor
2255 Hwy 20 unit 6
Welland , ON L3B 5N5
Phone 877-617-8787
Fax 905-892-8707

Golden Pro KY
Huovitie 7
00400 Helsinki, Finland
C/O Gustav Weckstrom
Tel: 009 241 1020
Fax: 009 241 1030
Golf Ventures

5385 Gateway Blvd., Suite 12,
Lakeland, FL. 
Tel: 863-665-5800
Email:  sjones@golfv.com
Middle East
UAE, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, & Bahrain
P.O.Box 51132,
Dubai.  (UAE)
Tel: 04-2826100
Fax: 04-2827372
Email: nagwani@eim.ae or sportpavilion@gmail.com


Pacific Rim
Guam, Saipan/CNMI and US Military Japan and Korea
NBK Trading Corporation
618 W Route 8, STE 102
Barrigada, Guam 96913
Tel: 671 734 3777
Fax: 671 734 3702

Email: sales@nbkcorp.com
New Zealand
Fairway Management LTD
2 Amoroa Place
Acacia Bay, Taupo,
New Zealand 2730
Tel: 647- 378 1911
Fax: 647 378 1711

Email: euan@fairway.co.nz
David Golf & Engineering
3/39-41 Winterton
Clayton, Vic. 3168 Australia
Tel: 039 540 0011
Fax: 039 540 0909

Email: kevinm@davidgolf.com.au
Hong Kong, China
Jet Light Eng. Ltd.
Unit 0, 31F Wah Lik Industrial Centre
459-469 Castle Peak Road
Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: 852 2414 5168
Fax: 852 2414 9213

Email: howard@jetlight.com.hk
South America
21017 Propesca S.A.-Chile
Belen 27
Las Condes
Tel: 56 2 2212 3315
Fax: 56 2 2211 6825

Email: propesca@propesca.com

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