B-Rake Head

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$60.00 to $300.00
SKU: B-Rake Head




B-Rake Head

A complete re-design of the bunker rake, The B-Rake is equipped with shark teeth-like tines that groom sand effortlessly without pulling sand to the bunker edges like an average bunker rake. An innovative, trailing polymer brush leaves the sand for a smooth playing surface in the middle.

No more shot-altering claw marks in the middle of bunkers!


  • Made with durable trailing polymer brush bristles that create a smooth surface on your sand for a beautifully superior playing experience.
  • Slimmer tine construction that leaves more sand in the middle of the bunker for a better playing surface versus pulling sand to bunker edges, leaving furrows or “claw marks” that affect playability.
  • A 20-inch head with re-engineered tine teeth at 1 1/2 inches makes it perfect for more compact bunker sand.
  • Can fit multiple fiberglass rake handles for easy flexibility in switching out handle lengths
  • The best new value rakes out there, matching quality with price against other competition.

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